Cartoon reader support system with character face search
and background information presentation functions
We have developed a system with character face search and background information presentation functions to assist comic book readers. The proposed system detects and identifies characters in images and provides background information based on the identification results. We used yolov8_animeface for face detection, FaceNet for identification, and GPT-4 for background information generation. Furthermore, the number of volumes read was taken into account to prevent spoilers, and a revision process of the generated information was introduced to improve reliability. The intuitive web interface makes it easy for anyone to use the system.
BibTeX citation
@Misc{nakmura.toya.21_bachelor, author = {Nakamura Toya}, title = {Cartoon reader support system with character face search and background information presentation functions}, howpublished = {Bachelor Thesis}, month = 2, year = 2025, }