Practice Support System for Stretched Backward Somersaults using Object Detection and Posture Estimation
We propose a system to support the practice of streched backward somersaults in floor exercise of artistic gymnastics using object detection and posture estimation. The system detects the part of the performance videos where the person is and automatically creates a sequence of photos by cropping the area. The system also aims to analyze the posture and movement of the performance using the coordinates of joint points obtained through posture estimation and to suggest areas that need to be corrected, providing an environment for efficient technical improvement.
BibTeX citation
@Misc{takahashi.kota.20_M1, author = {Kota Takahashi}, title = {Practice Support System for Stretched Backward Somersaults using Object Detection and Posture Estimation}, howpublished = {Master's First-Year Research Presentation}, month = 1, year = 2025, }