Prompt Generation Method for Creating Manga from Text
We propose a method for creating manga using the large-scale multimodal model ChatGPT and the image generation AI Midjourney. In the proposed method, ChatGPT generates prompts for Midjourney to create manga-style images. Comparative evaluation of the generated manga confirmed that the method successfully produces manga that accurately represents the content of the given text.
BibTeX citation
@masterthesis{minami.takaaki.19, title = {文章から漫画を作成するためのプロンプト生成手法}, author = {南 貴明}, year = 2025, month = {2月}, address = {静岡県浜松市中央区城北3-5-1}, note = {こちらからアクセス可能:\url{}}, school = {静岡大学}, type = {Master's thesis} }